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Kriszka Creative Studio

Ear salt pillow

Ear salt pillow

Regular price £11.99 GBP
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A Paraid salt ear pillow offers unique benefits for relaxation and potential ear health. The salt, renowned for its mineral composition, may help create a soothing environment conducive to restful sleep. When incorporated into an ear pillow, Paraid salt can provide gentle pressure and warmth, which may alleviate tension and promote comfort around the ears and neck.

Moreover, the mineral-rich properties of Paraid salt could offer additional advantages for ear health. Some people believe that the salt's natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties may help prevent infections and reduce discomfort associated with conditions like earaches or ear infections.

Overall, using a Paraid salt ear pillow may contribute to a calming and supportive sleep experience while potentially offering benefits for ear health and comfort. However, individual responses may vary, and it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for specific medical concerns related to ear health.


Warming the salt pillow: 

Place the salt pillow in a heat-resistant container and put it in a preheated oven at 50-60 °C. After about 10-15 minutes, it can be used by placing it on the sore body part. It is not recommended to heat the Paraid salt pillow in a microwave!


Recommended treatment time for one body part: 20 minutes. If necessary, after a 5-10 minute break, the treatment can be repeated by reheating the salt pillow.


Caution! An excessively hot salt pillow can cause burns. Always check the temperature of the salt pillow before placing it on yourself! Our salt pillows can easily heat up to 80-90 °C without burning the thick cotton fabric, and they can cause serious pain. When applied at the right temperature, however, you will experience a warm, soothing feeling.


12 cm 

100% cotton removable cover.


What to do if the salt pillow becomes very stiff? 

We use only clump-free natural Paraid salt in our salt pillows, so it's a natural process for the salt in the pillow to become stiff and clump together.

As salt is an excellent moisture absorber, it can occur, especially before the first use, that the Paraid salt, which previously absorbed moisture, dries out and hardens, forming clumps that can be difficult or even impossible to crumble by hand. However, there's no need to worry; in such cases, these clumps can be easily broken apart with a clean rolling pin, and the sturdy cotton fabric is unlikely to be damaged. Afterward, if the salt pillow is not kept in particularly damp conditions, it usually won't clump together like that again.


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